Reduce stubborn fat
You can reshape, redefine and re-contour your body non-surgically with little downtime!

Fat Freezing
Fat freezing is the world's most recent popular, non invasive body contouring procedure for both men and women. Most of us over the age of 20 have some areas of fat that diet and exercise does not shift. Fortunately there are new methods of reducing excess fat from our bodies. Fat freezing is a procedure can be done over lunch time, no downtime. Fat cells are frozen before for a period of time in the aim to reduce them and it's a non surgical alternative to liposuction. This procedure originated after a research done into frost bite and it was noted that fat cells would freeze before skin freezes.
Areas that can be targeted
tummy, thighs, back(bra bulges), arms, chin.
Most fat removal procedures and cellulite treatments temporarily shrink fat but fat freezing is scientifically proven to freeze fat away effectively making it achieves long lasting and durable results. Cryolipolysis does not, however, negate the need to eating healthy and exercise. Diet and exercise is recommended to optimize your results and maintain your slimmed look.
Price list for fat freezing

Post care instructions
Wear loose clothing to reduce pressure on the treated area.
Massage the Area Post-Treatment. A massage right after the treatment improves improves lymphatic drainage.
Warm compress are recommended as they reduce cramping and discomfort.
To improve lymphatic drainage , compression garments are recommended.
Drink up to 2l a day to flush the dead cell.
Maintain a healthy low calorie diet.
Continue with your daily exercise.